Technical > Roo Man's Room

looking for a "once over" on the chassis

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Agree with George. 35 bucks is cheap if it keeps you from having to have car certified second time because of something you didn't know about.  I bought mine 2 years ago and it is best 35 bucks I spent on chassis. Hopefully I have all things covered sfi wise.

Glen,thats a good idea,thw cable/wire chases. I think I will put a few in the upright. As far as the bar below the forward cage loop,is that bar required for a 7.50 and slower car?
  Thanks guys,


--- Quote from: L79_Acadian on October 08, 2013, 05:10:10 PM ---Glen,thats a good idea,thw cable/wire chases. I think I will put a few in the upright. As far as the bar below the forward cage loop,is that bar required for a 7.50 and slower car?
  Thanks guys,

--- End quote ---

Roo Man's design

Frank Parks has been doing that for years, I don't know who did it first........



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