Technical > Roo Man's Room

looking for a "once over" on the chassis

(1/4) > >>

Hi Roo,
 OK, I added the diagonal like you recommended. I also made a chute mount and changed the steering box mount also. Any criticism would be greatly appreciated.
I'm also going to go with a smaller tire.

Cable and wiring chases through the uprights of the tubes?

shouldnt there be another bar under the front cage hoop  ?  that looks like a pretty big gap


--- Quote from: 225digger on October 05, 2013, 03:55:00 PM ---shouldnt there be another bar under the front cage hoop  ?  that looks like a pretty big gap

--- End quote ---

Yep, there should be an upright placed 1" minimum to 6" max from the front cage hoop.


The last SFI spec book I bought was only $ 35. The best money I have spent on the car. I will never buy or build/rebuild without a current one in my hand.


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