Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop
Copper Head Gaskets
I also run SCE non-water gaskets on my SBC but I circulate water only thru the heads, Plugged the holes in the heads, O-ringed the heads, receivers in the block, Copper coat, silicone the corners. The other thing I do is when I go thru my engine (3 year intrevals) I always use a new set. The time it takes to clean the old ones, and to re-aneal, clean again is not worth it when you consider how long it takes to put the engine together (17 HS per side) and have a sealing issue. Big Show Racers do it because the motors come apart every round and they can afford it. Makes you wonder when they torch a head gasket out on a run if that would happened if that was a brand new head gasket??
Big show cars torch gasket because they are trying to push head off block.It may be detonation or hydraulicing. New gasket would just mean you burn new money instead of old.
True, but I have seen some awfully skechy things that go on with some of the independent teams. Its getting to the point with the big teams is the ONE RUN AND DONE policy
FWIW. I was lurking a conversation awhile ago (message board) and Randy Bradford says this is what they use around the water and oil holes on there Gaskets.
Just saying
Would this work for me?
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