Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

motor location

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Roger welcome.

I went out and checked what my cars measure,engine plate to axle center-line:

148"FED   31",
160"FED   39",
200"FED   43.5",
I use a short powerglide and a ford 9".

All of them use the vertical tube as part of the bulkhead at the engine plate. On our 200" I had to space my engine plate forward 1/4" (due to the starter hole being to close to the up-rite) This left a gap between the plate and up-rite between 1/8"-1/4" that I sealed with a urethane epoxy to slow possible fire into the drivers compartment. 

Lets see some more pictures......

mines at 50" out.Use any transmission you want it will beed drive shaft.Then car is 225". Idealy you need rear motor plate over the upright or just infront of it.


--- Quote from: wideopen231 on September 09, 2013, 09:38:36 AM --- Idealy you need rear motor plate over the upright or just infront of it.

--- End quote ---

That is one of the problems with John's frames--he builds them with no consideration as to what motor/trans package is going to be used and consequently the uprights are rarely where they really should be. The only saving grace is the fact that the wall thickness is such that they are less likely to bend. Steve Morgan can tell you what happens when the motor is hung on an unsupported section of the frame rail on a chassis that is made out of thinner tubing.


love you too roo :o
steve morgan

I actually am moving the rear end back a inch or two, this will put the motor plate right at the location of the uprights.
 Oh and I did grind the block slightly,now the block centers in the chasis.
     Thanks Guys,


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