Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
tire care
you mean I have to do some work. yuck.
Somehow I lucked out on rear tire leak, so far. I had bought the FED as roller in 2005 and it didn’t loose much air after about six years of storage!
Mickey Thompson ET Drag 3068W 31.0/10.5-15W M5, screwed.
I have never tried anything to slow the air leaks unless it is a valve stem leak. The only tires that leak for me are the good ones . Goodyears.
i use nitrogen as its less prone to expansion, and the molecular structure is larger, thus less leakage, my slicks barely drop at all during winter break, plus use the marker thats for windows/lexan, not shoe polish, it just wipes off, i clean mine with a rubber cleaner/protectant like armour all ect, :)
I read that brushing the inside of the tire with dish soap like" Dawn" works also to stop the leaks never tried it.
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