Technical > Roo Man's Room

rear canards

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--- Quote from: wideopen231 on September 03, 2013, 09:00:22 AM ---Trying to feel sorry for you about long week and US nationals but is not working. One of those bucket list things right below make a pass in top fuel car.Now got to find a third thing to add to list.

--- End quote ---

I was at Rapisarda's shop prior to the Indy test session to add the carbon shroud to the front of the cage on the "B" car and as the body was off I jokingly suggested to Santo Jr that it would be a good time to make sure that I fit in the car so that they would not have to bring Damien all the way from Australia in the future. When he asked if I really wanted to drive a big show car I said  "Heck Yeah". He then said that I could make a hit in it sometime in the future. Of course I will probably have to do all their fab work for free for the rest of my life.  LOL


hey not best trade off but not worst either. My question why would they ask.Is there any answer other than heck yes

Gold Digger:
any progress on the rear canards?

curious on this also , im getting to the point where i need to figure out to mount them .... more importantly . roo do you make them ?

Your best bet is probably to buy a kit from Neil and Parks (or completed wings). I use their components for most of my wings.



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