Author Topic: Chassis up dates for 2.4 D and 2.2D  (Read 1386 times)

Offline gordon

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Chassis up dates for 2.4 D and 2.2D
« on: March 20, 2024, 12:06:26 PM »
I am finally trying once again to put this FED together. It was recently certed for 2.4D 7.99-6.00 . It seems like some stuff over the years has been missed and or overlooked. such as an anti pion rotation bracket/device on the rearend. Also there are no bars in the floor area between the rear end up rights and the engine plate uprights. All the cars I have looked at have these from N/TF down to 7.50 cars. This is an older Dave Uyehara car he welded up for me ( his old Jr. Fuel car from early 90's) .  I have the latest and greatest SFI 2.2D and 2.4 D spec books. I think I have the pinion rotation device options figured out but the v bars in the floor I find nothing mentioned , not even in the TF specs (2.2D). Any one out their able to point me to the written specs on these floor bars ? I would call Dave Uyehara but he is retired and sold the shop.