Author Topic: How to post pictures  (Read 46899 times)

Offline GlennLever

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How to post pictures
« on: August 13, 2013, 02:41:58 PM »
We have limited attachment sizes to (pictures) to 800X600 pixels) 100 K per picture 10 pictures per post, because of space considerations.

There are really two different ways to post pictures.

One is to put the pictures up on a web posting site and provide a link to it here. Too insert  the link click on the photo icon (second row above first one in the row. When you do that it will insert the code for the link, then just copy and paste the full link in between the the code (In the center). When you post the message the picture will appear.

The second more common one is to upload them from your computer.

This may sound complicated but it really isn't.

You want your pictures to be 800 X 600

The way I down size my pictures is I e-mail them to myself. When you select a picture to be e-mailed your software will ask you if you want to send them full size or downsize. One option will be to downsize to 800X600.

Select the 800X600 and e-mail them to your self.

When they arrive in your in box save them to a folder on your computer.

Now you are ready to post a topic with pictures, enter your text into the box, directly below the box is "Attachments and other options"

when you click on this you will be able to browse your folders and click on the pictures you want to attach.

You have to browse for one picture at a time. That being said you can upload more than one picture in a post. Once you have selected and opened the first picture right below that dialog box the question will be More pictures. if you click that you can go through the same procedure to upload a second, third photo

If this does not make sense send me the pictures and I will post and attach them to a topic you would like the associated with.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2016, 09:45:13 PM by GlennLever »
Glenn R. Lever
Rochester, New York 14617-2012
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