Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
What did you do on your Front Engine Dragster TODAY?
--- Quote from: dreracecar on June 06, 2015, 02:18:27 PM ---Just a personal note---support for the steering rod should be closer to the clevis joint. In a loaded situation the rod will flex down before moving forward. Will it affect the steering on your car? Dont know. But in the vast majority of builds where mutiple piece steering rods are used and not in a straight line, the support is placed within 4 to 6 inches of the joint so the motion is singlular and direct
--- End quote ---
It has worked like that for 35 years, so i guess for a few races a year it will work for me also, im not going to change it.
Didnt ask you to change it
A lot of people read these post and some acually look for advise through these post when they consider building a car. Many things I do while building a new car, I dont even realize Im doing and if I were to create a list on how to build a car, I would surely miss a bunch of elements and have to go back and edit. So when I look at another car, my eye goes towards things that my mind sees as being off. I saw your car with the steering shaft changing direction-- pretty normal in any build-- but my mind didnt see a support that I would put in if I was building it. Your car has been around for 35 years like that and has worked---OK, 2 guys building a new car and it comes time to do the steering link, One guy asks about the support, the other guy remembers my post and its a done deal without regrets.
Bruce, I for one appreciate that you state your observations.
Changing the gear ratio in my trans today . lot's of needle bearings !
JrFuel Hayden:
Bill, that looks like Fun !
I have not replaced trans gears, myself, but from what I've heard from a number of guys, it's the gear timing that's tuff. Your picture shows you don't have all the gears in yet. What ratios are you going to and what did you take out ?
We just came back from racing JF Heritage in Salt Lake City [ 4400', 6900' DA] where we took out our 1.68 and installed our spare trans with a 1.76. Also installed a looser converter and one size smaller nozzles. We got rained/ hailed-out just as we getting ready to race our final round against Scott Parks.
The track changed the fixed brackets because of the Alt, ie, NE-1 [ 7.60] was changed to 8.00, and NE-2 [ 8.60] was changed to 9.00. The 7.0 Pro was not changed per the racers suggestion, they just changed pulley's and run 7.0's.
Frank Parks said JF adjustment is not 4 tenths, more like 3.5. So our best 7.38 would be like 7.03 at Bakersfield, but Scott's 7.15 would look like 6.8, which he ran at the March Meet, 6.81. Group One [ A/FD, JF, 7.0] will finish their final rounds in Q-2 at the CHRR in Oct, Funny car at Boise, and Group two [ NE-1 and slower] in Bakersfield in Sept.
Good Luck and have FUN !
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