Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

What did you do on your Front Engine Dragster TODAY?

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It's a 55mm cam with a base circle of 1.100 also a stroke of 3.625 so it gets a little tight ! With the rods cam clearenced they do not touch but there are a couple of lobes that pass next to the rod that will just touch the side of the rod as they pass by so I have to touch them up just a little . Ok what is a rut rah ? 

>900 base is a big help and a 4x7 swap moves lobes that are close--also the cam needs to be degreed where you plan on running it and Then check for room--makes big diff
I use a copper wire the diameter of the room I need--you can bend it any way and stick in there for easy check--works great!


--- Quote from: masracingtd1167 on April 13, 2015, 11:59:54 AM --- Ok what is a rut rah ?

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   Rut-Roh  is a phrase that came from the cartoon series "Scooby-Do" when a un-forseen problem came up normaly spoken as "UH-OH" but to inject more humor into the series, The dog scooby would say it as "Rut-Roh"


--- Quote from: dreracecar on April 14, 2015, 08:31:39 AM ---
--- Quote from: masracingtd1167 on April 13, 2015, 11:59:54 AM --- Ok what is a rut rah ?

--- End quote ---

   Rut-Roh  is a phrase that came from the cartoon series "Scooby-Do" when a un-forseen problem came up normaly spoken as "UH-OH" but to inject more humor into the series, The dog scooby would say it as "Rut-Roh"

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     Good one Bruce ! You had me thinking of Tim The tool man from Home Improvement !


--- Quote from: dusterdave173 on April 13, 2015, 05:16:40 PM --->900 base is a big help and a 4x7 swap moves lobes that are close--also the cam needs to be degreed where you plan on running it and Then check for room--makes big diff
I use a copper wire the diameter of the room I need--you can bend it any way and stick in there for easy check--works great!

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   Dave I like the copper wire idea I will try that . The small base circle will give you more room but it can cause other problems like cam twist . I run a lot of spring pressure 400 on the seat and 1100 open so I need a pretty heavy duty cam . 


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