Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

What did you do on your Front Engine Dragster TODAY?

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Nice job Grapro. It's always exciting when we are sitting in car and the engine sound doesn't come from our mouths (although there's nothing wrong with that!).

I'm digging your puke tank. I need one like that. Did you make or buy it?

Thanks, I made the tank myself. Breathers are Speedway .Hand rolled the tank from one eight aluminum after annealing, had my buddy Craig weld it up . 1.4 gallon cap. with two internal baffles with a an6 drain on the bottom. I searched everywhere and couldn't find one.


--- Quote from: grapro on December 29, 2014, 09:27:16 PM ---Thanks, I made the tank myself. Breathers are Speedway .Hand rolled the tank from one eight aluminum after annealing, had my buddy Craig weld it up . 1.4 gallon cap. with two internal baffles with a an6 drain on the bottom. I searched everywhere and couldn't find one.

--- End quote ---

Nicely done Gapro!

Upgraded the chassis mounts on the axle housing from two to four bolts on each side. Cleaned and inspected brakes, checked bearings in the rear and re-installed. And now its ready to roll again, so i took it for a dry-race  ;D
Next up is removing and check front wheel bearings. Also make some modification to the battery mount so the batt sits tight.
I hope the engine will show up soon so i can start going through it. First race and licensing is 8-9-10 May so i still have plenty of time...

Pic from yesterday

I just received my wheelie bar kit from Dragster Supply and David Beard Race Cars. Nice kit and nice smooth transaction for shipping. Sometimes things get complicated for shipping here to the Great White North but Dave got it all worked out and it arrived with out me having to pay anything extra to FedEx as it often happens here in Canada, Our great government has a habit of creating these unknown taxes even with all our free trade agreements.


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