Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
What did you do on your Front Engine Dragster TODAY?
I installed the blower (not to be removed again until at lest after the first fire up) using custom aluminum studs ( I have a 4 inch spacer between the intake and the blower)made by Roo Man (replaced the steel tread rods used for mock up).
As I must make it look pretty as well as having if functional, each stud was measured once fully threaded (the reason each one had to be measured is the blind holes in the intake were all different lengths) into the BDS intake manifold, cut to get the stud to fully thread into the acorn nut, without the gasket.
Each stud was then numbered, they were all removed, the gaskets installed, and nuts torqued to 12 pounds
One more task completed. It looks like the fuel system will be on its way home from FIE the end of next week.
Bought some pulleys for tuning
Bob Way and I got together this morning and got a couple of things done. Got the parachute unpacked and hung from the ceiling in the basement, exercised the flapper in the fuel tank to try and free it up as the anodize has bound it up, and the big thing is we made a piston stop, and found top dead center on the crank (remember that I no longer have a harmonic balancer). We took are time on this and rechecked our findings many times. TDC is a degree and a half away from one of the ten degree makes on the degree wheel. Too bad it did not work out so that it was right on.
Next weekend should be a big weekend as the fuel system should be back from FIE and can be bolted on!
Got the chassis re certified today. We are good to 6.00 et. Now to get the 4.86 gear change. We'll be ready for some warmer weather.
after fighting for days trying to find pulleys in my garage(really need to clean it) tomake the fan/alt setup work, i got it done. had my son finish wiring it today and started it up. :) he said it's too quiet. told him i took off the rollers and used the stock rockers. happy its up and running. :) :)
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