Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

What did you do on your Front Engine Dragster TODAY?

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The learning curve for alky injection gets steep real quick when you start from the beginning. Fortunately there are a lot of knowledgeable folks here on the site that are willing to answer your questions. I’d never run injection or alcohol before and wouldn’t have been able to run my junior fueler without the help and advice of some good people here and elsewhere. And you’ll probably find this new set-up interesting and challenging. It’s the challenge that makes it fun!

Trying out some mufflers to see if it helps the performance any over zoomies.


--- Quote from: FEDNV on April 25, 2017, 11:24:05 AM ---Trying out some mufflers to see if it helps the performance any over zoomies.

--- End quote ---
Sacrilege!  :o

That's what I said too but everyone is telling me these will pick up some HP.  Going to give it a try.  Sounds like a SC dragster with them on.  Still bringing my zoomies to the track LOL


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