Technical > Roo Man's Room

Ney guy here.

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I was going to make a pinoin support down to the cross tube in the bottom.  Do you think that is enough?
That reinforcement in the shoulder hoop, isnt that for under 6 sek?  Can I take the extra tube and Slice it upp by length ena weld it back together on the shoulder hoop?

        tying the front of the third member to the crossmember is acceptable as a pinion support and most were done like that in the past. I usually add tabs to the bottom of the housing and run a K from there to the chassis. As Bruce commented, having a sleeve in the shoulder hoop is a good idea in any case even if it is not required at the performance level that you are predicting as most sanctioning bodies are afflicted by "rule creep" where what was good one year may not be in the future. Are you are talking about cutting a piece of tube lengthwise and shrinking the diameter to make it fit inside the shoulder hoop?


I think he was talking about clam-shelling the outer which is not the way to do it. The required sleeve is an internal sleeve. Split the 1 3/8 length wise(it will expand for a tight fit) Split the shoulder hoop, insert sleeve and weld back together and use roset welds to indicate that sleeve is present.  I like to to use a 5/8 hole to roset and weld around the perimeter and have the inner sleeve visable.

I tought it was to be on the outside, it explaines everything to have it on the inside.  It is easy to modify it now.
I have a nother question, diagonal tube that goes from corner to corner.  Why is it welded to the uprights only?  Why not in the corner and welded to both horisonal and vertical tubes.
Borrowed a photo from Clint Jobbs to show you.
Thanks again for good answers, you guys are one step closer makeŽn a 4x4 guy a dragracer :)


--- Quote from: PalliP on December 29, 2013, 11:38:55 AM ---I tought it was to be on the outside, it explaines everything to have it on the inside.  It is easy to modify it now.
I have a nother question, diagonal tube that goes from corner to corner.  Why is it welded to the uprights only?  Why not in the corner and welded to both horisonal and vertical tubes.
Borrowed a photo from Clint Jobbs to show you.
Thanks again for good answers, you guys are one step closer makeŽn a 4x4 guy a dragracer :)

--- End quote ---
I wonder if the jig that chassis is sitting on is strong enough?


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