Technical > Roo Man's Room

At what speed should you consider adding canard wings to a FED

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Larry Gocha:
Bruce I'd like to see the mounting if you figure out how to post the pictures.

I bought a "kit" from Frank and Scott Parks.

Well we took a break in the racing for a bit to relocate to Florida. Today I finished installing the mag and associated wiring for the signal converter and 2 kill switches.
Last year we ran into a lot of balance/weight distribution and wheel speed issues with the car. The convertor was locking at about 2600rpm and was causing the car to leave soft and then carry the front higher as you went down the track and would unload the rear about 300' out after being on the wheelie bar for about 150' correct and start again.... We ended up putting in flat lead plates just ahead of the front axle. to keep the front down. We also have gone to a 5200-5400rpm 10" convertor to help with the initial power/wheel speed..

What is a better design of front wing for the FED low hammer-head style or the mono-wing above the nose?

I forgot all about this thread with the past years activities :-[

The mono wing should be more aerodynamically efficient for the same surface area (provided that it is mounted high enough above the body/frame rails) as it is not affected by air spilling off the sides of the nose. Look at the big show cars--they all run the mono style. Attack angle adjustability is also usually a little simpler with a mono package. Mounting a mono wing off the spill plates also helps as it leaves the critical lower surface smooth and unobstructed.



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