Technical > Roo Man's Room

ground effects what counts


 Going to be doing sheetmetal part of body soon(HOPEFULLY) does the little rolled lip at bottom consitute ground effects. Would like to have it. problem most nostalgia class' have a no ground effects rule.

 Car will be mostly brackets,but don't want to have to chnage if i want to run some class that has rule against it.One goal of this car is to make it capable of running as many class' as possible with a few changes as possible. Engine and safety stuff another story. Chassis is built to meet 2.2c so chassis should be good for anything and little over kill on most. Heck when the idoit at lottery pulls the right numbers  the one I have.  I may be able to play with top fuel new and old style.

No, that's an aero mod, a full belly pan with a tunnel is ground effects.

Hope your right.  I have been saying about same thing,just want to make sure Im not reasoning it out to fit my needs or wants in this case.


--- Quote from: wideopen231 on July 07, 2013, 09:35:52 AM ---Hope your right.  I have been saying about same thing,just want to make sure Im not reasoning it out to fit my needs or wants in this case.

--- End quote ---
Best thing to do would be to pose the question ot the party writing the rules.

Ground effects include but are not limited to
rocker skirts, belly pans, sheet-metal work under the body that produces a “tunnel” for
the passage of air, etc. Maximum overhang limit 40 inches.
  A copy of rule  the 40 inch overhang changes from class to class 30" some and 2 allow 40 inch.


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