Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

Mag or electronic ignition.

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From what I am learning battery development is gaining on this question. I need ballast on the front of my car, why not make it useful? If I can hang a powerful battery on the nose of the car and not have the added $$ of initial cost of a  magneto and the $$ of having it tested on a regular basis. A magneto is a generator , several moving parts= service $$. Just got mine back today. A $300 checkup .

In my next project I will take a hard look at a 16 volt system.

Old long cars? Surely you are referring to the modern 300' cars running twin 44 amp systems?

Yea that would be the ones.Maybe ol' instead of old is how I should have stated it.

First I do not see where it would not work fine in that combo.  Seriously i think either style would work fine I just like magneto myself. I also happen to have 2 mag 12s that ran great on blown alky motor making 44 lbs boost. Bob Newberry once talked with me and Barry Patton about the larger mags and said he could not find any advantage to the bigger ones on alky. I guess someone did since most all top alcohol(blower) cars are running mag 44 now days and of coarse the A/Fuel cars are running two of them.
   Only draw back to mag IMO is most the time they are happier firing a motor that is spinning pretty good,they can be unhappy with slow spinning motor.

What plug gap did you run with the blown alky combo?

Is a slow spinning engine an engine being started ? If so would a system higher than 12 volts be better?


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