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Mag or electronic ignition.

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Thank you again for sharing. Not many have shared information in this thread. My car is for sale and in my next project I will be using a 16 volt battery. As for the mag or no mag question , I'll start with the MSD digital 6+ I already have. If it's a problem the plug gap will get  smaller until that's a problem.


George we use a second battery to start our car. We use a small battery on board for the transbake and recorder. It is enough of a battery to start the dragster if I stall it after the burnout, but it struggles to do it.
We use a heavy duty cable connector like you would have for a blower starter or winch. It is mounted at the rear of the car just under the seat near the lower wheelie bar mount. We use a battery cart with either 1 or 2 batteries to start the car and then just disconnect and pull forward. The small battery stays on the charger while in the pits. We run a mag usually but will be using our MSD ignition on the engine in the car now.
We do have a new 16V battery that was given to us by one of our sponsors, BUT WOW are the chargers expensive.
I need to stop being cheap and just get one.

Supercat. Thanks for sharing. George

What are you using for ignition and what is the plug gap?

I found some helpful information on 16 volt systems:

George we run a spark gap of .018 for the mag and a gap of .050 on the MSD we use the NGK race plugs. We will most likely go up on the gap with the 16V battery installed. I do have a resistor for my gauges and trans brake. I am going to check with Race-Pak to see if I need to use a resistor for their products.

That was a good link on the 16 Volt battery.    We  are using the XS Power D-1600 deep cycle for our car. We are also using the Tilton high torque starter.


--- Quote from: Supercat on July 10, 2013, 07:59:11 AM ---George we run a spark gap of .018 for the mag and a gap of .050 on the MSD we use the NGK race plugs. We will most likely go up on the gap with the 16V battery installed. I do have a resistor for my gauges and trans brake. I am going to check with Race-Pak to see if I need to use a resistor for their products.

That was a good link on the 16 Volt battery.    We  are using the XS Power D-1600 deep cycle for our car. We are also using the Tilton high torque starter.

--- End quote ---

What MSD box are you using ? Coil?


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