Technical > Roo Man's Room

Chassis building to a Spec.

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IMO you should get as close  to spec for car your bui9lding as possible. My new chassis is built to sfi 2.2c which means it should be good for about anything I want to to with it.Plus if I got in bind and had to sell it I should be able to get more for car that can be ceritified.

 Now if your building a restoration show car that another deal .IM a race car thats not raced is like owning a brothel and going without,makes no sense

I am racing a FED with a current 6.0 certification. It was built to SFI 2.2B . Now a 2.4C. It might meet the 2.2C spec. but I'm real sure we won't be running in the 5s.


--- Quote from: tylercrawford on May 31, 2013, 10:54:55 AM ---
--- Quote from: George on May 31, 2013, 10:35:01 AM ---How slow is slow enough?

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NHRA rulebook 4:11 under roll cage heading says 9.99 or 135mph or faster

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Thanks Tyler.


--- Quote from: wideopen231 on May 31, 2013, 12:38:57 PM ---Now if your building a restoration show car that another deal .IM a race car thats not raced is like owning a brothel and going without,makes no sense

--- End quote ---

LOL!  ;D

I've always felt that way about the cackle cars . . . I love looking at them but not to be able to use it for its original intended purpose is a deal breaker.  I could never own one, whats the point in looking but not "touching"  ;)


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