Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

Torque converter question, maybe the wrong room?

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I would want an 1/8 of play between the flex plate and torque converter with the spacers.

Remember the the motor plates can flex on launch with out blow back tubes. You do not want the torque converter to bottom out on the launch.

I am just repeating what I have been told.

I would contact the convertor builder.

I believe 1/8" would be max....060" would be min.

May I add. Its a good idea to check the alignment from the crank CL (coaxial) with respect to the tranny CL. All you need to do is to put a Mag base on the flex plate, flywheel , set an indicator up and indicate off the main shaft as close as possible to seal . This should be especially  thought about if your using and adapter plate.  Remember years ago when they sold offset dowels to indicate in your scatter shield??!  Just a good idea to check and alleviate the problems it would cause.
As far as the converter spacing this is another to keep a close eye on as you run into buildup tolerance issues so its a case by case basis.
Different combos will have different dynamics but in general the different tranny people are close in recommendations.
Heres a nice PDF from Coan that has some nice info.
Take care, race safe.


--- Quote from: LZ on May 18, 2013, 07:38:14 PM ---Gents:
May I add. Its a good idea to check the alignment from the crank CL (coaxial) with respect to the tranny CL. All you need to do is to put a Mag base on the flex plate, flywheel , set an indicator up and indicate off the main shaft as close as possible to seal . This should be especially  thought about if your using and adapter plate.  Remember years ago when they sold offset dowels to indicate in your scatter shield??!  Just a good idea to check and alleviate the problems it would cause.
As far as the converter spacing this is another to keep a close eye on as you run into buildup tolerance issues so its a case by case basis.
Different combos will have different dynamics but in general the different tranny people are close in recommendations.
Heres a nice PDF from Coan that has some nice info.
Take care, race safe.

--- End quote ---

Luke, missed you at the track yesterday and today.


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