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Roo Man Nostalgia T/Fuel question?


Blind Mule:
Why do these engines have so much cackel to them seems like the modern fuel motor idles more tame or am I hearing it wrong! Love it when they burnout then it comes back to idle ;D 8)

Also what width wheel do they use i know the tire is a 12in. spec for the class but looks like maybe a 10 in. wheel  :-\

Also A/Fuel does the injected cars run nitro and blower alky?????

 Enjoy        ;)


thanks needed that 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

See this is why it takes too much time checking sites in morning.I go for quick check then somebody has to post something like this and cost me to have to sit here and watch the whole video at least once.

I'm not Rooman but i'll try and help.

Why do these engines have so much cackel to them seems like the modern fuel motor idles more tame or am I hearing it wrong! Love it when they burnout then it comes back to idle 
--Modern fuel motors have so much fuel volume that the cackle gets lost i believe.  I miss it. Just another reason NTF is where it's at!

Also what width wheel do they use i know the tire is a 12in. spec for the class but looks like maybe a 10 in. wheel
--They run a 12" wheel also.  Some teams take advantage of the 13" tire (both are legal)

Also A/Fuel does the injected cars run nitro and blower alky??
--A/F has injected nitro or Blown alky.  both sound awesome, and both haul butt, however it is a never ending battle to level the playing grounds.

Thanks Greg,
                    I have been busy today and just found time to get over here.



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