Author Topic: which direction to go with FED  (Read 35845 times)

Offline 225digger

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which direction to go with FED
« on: May 14, 2013, 02:46:42 PM »
so im slowly getting my FED done , and while im alittle ways off im at that point where i need to start thinking which way to go with it . meaning , go bracket racing , or get into other types of racing with it .

the biggest thing im getting at is , which engine to go with i have a carbed big block i can stick in the car to keep it real simple and just go bracket racing .  or i also have a blown bbc i could stick in it . it has gas carbs on it now , but i could very easily swap it for injected alky and maybe go do something different with the car ....maybe this 7.0 stuff ??

i love bracket racing , but i think becuase of my work schedule i might have more fun doing something else .

 i only ever bracket raced and i only ever been to one nostalgia type race and i was there to just enjoy it didnt really care about learning or anything just wanted to enjoy some racing action ,so for you guys that live up north here in PA and even alittle south , which way would you go ? i know maple grove has the geezers , and i think beaver has a few things here and there but what about every where else around PA ?

suggestions or anything are appreciated

Offline GlennLever

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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2013, 03:09:59 PM »
so im slowly getting my FED done , and while im alittle ways off im at that point where i need to start thinking which way to go with it . meaning , go bracket racing , or get into other types of racing with it .

the biggest thing im getting at is , which engine to go with i have a carbed big block i can stick in the car to keep it real simple and just go bracket racing .  or i also have a blown bbc i could stick in it . it has gas carbs on it now , but i could very easily swap it for injected alky and maybe go do something different with the car ....maybe this 7.0 stuff ??

i love bracket racing , but i think becuase of my work schedule i might have more fun doing something else .

 i only ever bracket raced and i only ever been to one nostalgia type race and i was there to just enjoy it didnt really care about learning or anything just wanted to enjoy some racing action ,so for you guys that live up north here in PA and even alittle south , which way would you go ? i know maple grove has the geezers , and i think beaver has a few things here and there but what about every where else around PA ?

suggestions or anything are appreciated
I think this is a wide open question.

Basically you need to decided what you want to do. Bracket racing you can show up run some runs turn around and go home.

"Something else" can require a bigger time investment.
Glenn R. Lever
Rochester, New York 14617-2012
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Offline Dolmetsch

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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2013, 05:05:24 PM »
Been into both. Bracket racing is a big commitment if you want to run the points. You can't afford to miss a meet. Then there is the handicaping dial ins etc. I found for me attending nostalgia or open style meets where we run heads up FOR FUN much more enjoyable. Despite the fact that I show up with the smallest motored FED, (246 cu in) I still find at the end of the day I am relaxed and smiling.
For everything there is a season or time. You have to decide where you are I guess.
Now I go to only test and tunes or airfield armdrop races. I have had more fun since taking this course then I ever did before. It does take some discipline and like anyone else I fall prey to faster more HP etc but I fight the urge now.  At the end of a long career I am just thrilled to be able to take my little self built dragster to the track and feel the breeze just one more time. It is great to renew old friendships from back in the day, make a few runs, have a burger and see the old stuff in the pits. Eagle Field in Calif has a great program as does the Armdrop group running the Picton Airfield drags. I am sure there are many other similar deals. Something about this type of racing that is a lot of fun. For me my days of spending money I dont have to buy things I dont need to impress people I dont like is over. Just some thoughts but you will have to decide for yourself.
SR Dragster, because old people need to have fun too!

Offline 225digger

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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2013, 05:10:47 PM »
I think this is a wide open question.

Basically you need to decided what you want to do. Bracket racing you can show up run some runs turn around and go home.

"Something else" can require a bigger time investment.

i guess i need someone to push me over the cliff on not bracket racing . haha .... glenn your in ny so id imagine you might travel down into pa . what kind of heads up stuff is in the area ?

Offline GlennLever

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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2013, 08:26:22 PM »
I've been bracket racing and am slowly moving into index racing.

I'm not fast enough for heads up racing.
Glenn R. Lever
Rochester, New York 14617-2012
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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2013, 09:03:48 PM »
I love index racing.  heads up for broke folk. 

Leave together, end up together at the other end.  Lots of ways to skin the cat, but you both end up side by side.  In fact, index is just a bracket race where everyone has the same dial, but it's WAY more fun that watching a car drive away from you. 
El Dorado County, CA

Offline GlennLever

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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2013, 04:27:32 AM »
I love index racing.  heads up for broke folk. 

Leave together, end up together at the other end.  Lots of ways to skin the cat, but you both end up side by side.  In fact, index is just a bracket race where everyone has the same dial, but it's WAY more fun that watching a car drive away from you.
Difference is you need more skill to tune the dragster to go the index, I'm working on 8.5.

I'm have a lot to learn.
Glenn R. Lever
Rochester, New York 14617-2012
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Offline hotrod316

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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2013, 05:43:48 AM »

Offline Dolmetsch

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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2013, 06:07:30 AM »
With the greatest of respect I reply.
Heads up for fun racing is not about winning or super times or being the best. It is purely for the fun of running in a safe and proper manner.  Once you remove the need to be #1 life can become a lot more fun.
You are now free do do what you want, explore areas you couldn't afford to take a chance on before and the stress of racing (Ist round eliminations, buy backs, who got all the bye runs, where are we in the points, No way that should have been a red light, etc etc etc etc) are all gone. Now its "Hi Bob. nice to see you. What are you running these days?" Pairings can be whoever you want and pretty well when you want within reason. You are never on the trailer unless you have had enuf runs and are going home.
Most of us take the view," This is what I have or what I have built . Lets see what I personaly can get out of it." What happens in the other lane is somewhat irrelevant.  While you give it your best when running the result is not really important. What is important is running your car in a proper venu safely. As I have said before I have never had more fun then these deals. Would I have enjoyed it in my youth when we raced for wins and money? I don't really know but now it is a wonderful way to spend a Saturday. At the end of the month I will be 63. When I was 36 I never dreamed I would be running a vintage style rail at 63. My grand dad at 63 was an old man and struggled to complete his working days and slept when not working. My Dad now 89 has no hobbies and I think finds life frustrating. I see at Rocky's Eagle Field deal  there is an 86 year old runing a vintage flathead dragster. I feel privilaged just to be able to run and folks like that flathead racer give me a goal to shoot for. For us its about the FUN.  Often heard at Picton "Who'ed ya run?" "Don't know" Did'ya win?" Can't remember. I think so." Tis a whole different deal.
This type of racing is sort of a dynamic car show (rather then static) Very relaxing. Coment from Harry Wilson of Wilson Machine and Marine after the last race , Sept 2012."That is the most enjoyable Saturday I have spent in over 40 years. "
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 06:10:42 AM by Dolmetsch »
SR Dragster, because old people need to have fun too!

Offline GlennLever

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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2013, 06:58:25 AM »
With the greatest of respect I reply.
Heads up for fun racing is not about winning or super times or being the best. It is purely for the fun of running in a safe and proper manner.  Once you remove the need to be #1 life can become a lot more fun.
You are now free do do what you want, explore areas you couldn't afford to take a chance on before and the stress of racing (Ist round eliminations, buy backs, who got all the bye runs, where are we in the points, No way that should have been a red light, etc etc etc etc) are all gone. Now its "Hi Bob. nice to see you. What are you running these days?" Pairings can be whoever you want and pretty well when you want within reason. You are never on the trailer unless you have had enuf runs and are going home.
Most of us take the view," This is what I have or what I have built . Lets see what I personaly can get out of it." What happens in the other lane is somewhat irrelevant.  While you give it your best when running the result is not really important. What is important is running your car in a proper venu safely. As I have said before I have never had more fun then these deals. Would I have enjoyed it in my youth when we raced for wins and money? I don't really know but now it is a wonderful way to spend a Saturday. At the end of the month I will be 63. When I was 36 I never dreamed I would be running a vintage style rail at 63. My grand dad at 63 was an old man and struggled to complete his working days and slept when not working. My Dad now 89 has no hobbies and I think finds life frustrating. I see at Rocky's Eagle Field deal  there is an 86 year old runing a vintage flathead dragster. I feel privilaged just to be able to run and folks like that flathead racer give me a goal to shoot for. For us its about the FUN.  Often heard at Picton "Who'ed ya run?" "Don't know" Did'ya win?" Can't remember. I think so." Tis a whole different deal.
This type of racing is sort of a dynamic car show (rather then static) Very relaxing. Coment from Harry Wilson of Wilson Machine and Marine after the last race , Sept 2012."That is the most enjoyable Saturday I have spent in over 40 years. "

I agree with everything you have said.

Racing to win adds an edge to it if you will. If I was just driving down the track I would be less likely to look for that tiny small extra something, learn that next twick.

I personally do not get caught up in the "buy backs, who got all the bye runs, where are we in the points, No way that should have been a red light, etc etc etc etc" Once I'm out and usually that is in the first of second round, I test and tune. Someday I might get good enough to win.

(I will be 63 in September)
Glenn R. Lever
Rochester, New York 14617-2012
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Offline masracingtd1167

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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2013, 12:22:27 PM »
Don and Glen you both bring up some very good point's . I think we all have dfferent reason's why we race but one thing we all share is the love of what we do . Don you are so right when my father was 63 he was old. I am just a kid at 62 Glen you have me beat  I won't be 63 till October And I hope to do this for a long time . As far as the racing I would love to see a heads up 7.0 or 7.50 class . Epping has a pro comp class with a 6.20 index and it has been very successful . Bracket racing can be fun too a lot of real close races . I go to some af the big buck races at Atco with my son and they are very very competetive . If you are not .00 on the tree you better be dead on your dial . I think the main thing to remember is to have a good time and just enjoy the warm breeze as Don said . Speed on brother's and sisters!

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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2013, 01:02:21 PM »
All right I feel like the little kid of the class now at a young whipper snapper age of 47. woo hoo.

 Don I respectafully disagree about the need to be number 1 for me that is the fun. I love the thrash,the challange of out smarting others on getting down the track quicker then they can. But as Bill said we all race for the fun no matter what you call fun. Heck only crazy guy calls working 69 hours out of 3 days and spending thousands to do so fun but thats what we where doing when running the funnycar and I loved every second of the not sleeping race deal.

  Heck the sitting around looking at the car instead of dropping the pan,yanking the clutch and pulling the heads is the one thing I hate about bracket racing,but my budget is nowhere near what it was when I got work all weekend for that #1.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 01:04:27 PM by wideopen231 »
Relecting obama is like shooting right foot because it did not hurt enough when you shot left foot

Offline Blind Mule

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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2013, 01:32:27 PM »
I have bracket raced almost 40 years had some success and won a track championship chased points too and won the deal but I won't do it again the day before every race I would almost get sick thinking about the points :-[ Thought if I missed one race it was a sin like to run me nuts {Well my wife says I am any way} Bracket racing is tough you need lotsa luck and some skill also patience helps alot too. I am building a FED if it ever gets finished to run brackets I just want to go toe to toe with the Rear engine cars (I had one great car butjust another dragsteonly difference mine had a Ford motor ??? The FED I am building now is gonna have a 300 inline six Ford on alky won't be fast but kinda different 8)  What ever you decide have fun with it and good luck keep us posted!


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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2013, 01:59:57 PM »
Randy the Fun factor will make up for any lack of horse power . Chris I have unerwear that are older than you !!

Offline wideopen231

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Re: which direction to go with FED
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2013, 04:09:23 PM »
way too much info there Bill!!  But seems you take darn good care of your underwear even if you did mispill the word.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 04:11:04 PM by wideopen231 »
Relecting obama is like shooting right foot because it did not hurt enough when you shot left foot