Classifieds (Please No Dealers) > Wanted to sell
SBC dragster pan
I have an 9 quart; 8" deep dragster pan for a SBC. Don't need, and it's occupying shelf space. Made by Dooley Enterprises. Can get all dimensions if you're interested.
125$ and it's yours. Never been hurt. I 'may' have a pickup for it, can't remember. I will look.
Pat Johnson:
interested, could u post some pictures.Thank's
Pat Johnson:
Hey Greg, I don't know too much about small blk chev's, will this pan work on a stock 400 sml blk chev, I really could use a pan. please reply
Yes, it'll work with all first gen small blocks.
Can send pictures if you'd like.
Pat Johnson:
Greg, can u get ahold of me on the small blk pan, if u still have it, Thanks Pat,503-812-1172
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