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Glenn's dragster thread

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--- Quote from: masracingtd1167 on August 21, 2013, 03:03:35 PM ---Glen did you get a chance to race last weekend?

--- End quote ---

Tes, but cannot race this weekend at Edgerwater, I am having some back problems

A Friend picked this up from Bang Shift and sent it to me

"Steve and Glenn are in Epping NH for the first New England Hot Rod Reunion.
Rain cancelled the racing Thurs. Glenn got a time trial in on Friday before the rain and had his car pictured
on the site that it also live streaming the racing. Weather looks good for Sat.

Here is the link to the live streaming on the internet and a picture of Glenn, Anne and his son George at the starting line ( green shirts)
He has the full body on to make the car look extra nice !"

Well, we lost .5 of a second and have been looking for it. Pulled the transmission,

and had the torque converter cut to check it, Put it back in

not there, compression check all good not there, check data recorder for lost values, fuel pressure, boost etc. not there, changed out the MSD box, hope that was it, will test and tune this Sunday, next week we want to go to Bowling Green and will regardless.

Only hint we have is fuel out the exhaust on launch, 60 foots are terrible.

I'm post this here first so I can link to the pictures and put them in the middle of the text .

We went and did some test and tune today.

The symptom we have is the engine comes up to RPM on the trans brake, I release the trans brake and the dragster launches, and then falls on its face. It then picks’s itself up and has a pretty normal run. I hit my shift point at 6300 RPM, RPMs drop off as you would expect and then climbs again.

What is pictured below and in the attached files (not sure which is easiest for you to view) is a graph produced in the data logger.

It appears to show a drastic drop in fuel pressure before the slump in engine RPM. The first graph shows the complete run. The second graph is just the area between the blue vertical lines to zoom in on the troubled area.

This is the zoom in on the trouble area.
When the engine RPM reaches 4756 the fuel pressure is at 31.92 pounds.
When the engine RPM reaches 4810 the fuel pressure has dropped to 3.37 pounds.
When the engine RPM drops to 3527 the fuel pressure recovered to 16.13 pounds and continues to climb.

The red vertical lines are for reference between the two graphs of fuel pressure and engine RPM.

If we lean the engine out (not changing the fuel main bypass, but add air by decreasing the top pulley the problem is not as pronounced. We are blowing fuel out the number 8 cylinder.

This graph represents an 8.904 ET run in the ¼ mile
We lean it out and ran an 8.409

We have check compression, valve lash, put in a new MSD box, New coil, removed the primmer, check timing, increased timing to 30 degrees, check the inside of the distributor cap, remove and cut open the torque converter (no problems found)

Arrived at NDRL race in Bowling Green yesterday.

Wired up the flapper I n the tank and made 4 time trials.

The problem is not completely fixed but better.

We have been trying to run an 8.5 index all summer.

Decided that as this is the last race of the season to push it a little harder.

first pass was 8.371, second was 8.129,

third we leaded it out and pushed more air had a .040 r/t on the .400 pro tree and ran 8.035 and on the fourth pass had a reaction time of .037 and ran 8.093 on the same tune and the a/d had gone away by 200 feet.  I think we are in the ball park, but still the fuel pressure drops a little off the line??????


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