Technical > Roo Man's Room

Set-up for better 60' ?

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To me that's what makes drag racing fun always wanting to go quicker !


--- Quote from: Pipe Dreams on August 21, 2014, 05:04:40 PM ---I am running the car all out. Car is just a bracket car running super pro. Looking at running the 8.50 index at the NDRL race at Milan the end of sept. All passes last time out were beween  8.51 to  8.55 and the air was horrible, so I think I have a chance at doing fairly well. Sure wouldlike to run  8.0 though. Have some plans for the engine in the off season, so we' ll see next year

--- End quote ---

Come over and say hi when you are at Milan, we will be there. I like index racing and the .004 pro tree

Pipe Dreams:
I was wondering if you were going to be there. I will most definatly stop by and say hello.

I help a friend with his fed and we have been having 60' problems also. Been chasing the tune up thinking its the problem. Found it is not in the tune up. Changed the convertor and switched to alky injection at the same time so it made it difficult. In two weeks we will find some interesting info for us. Changed out brand X convertor to a continental convertor(more on brand x later). Went from a super 9"(9 1/2") 5000 rpm convertor to a 8" 6000-6200 rpm. We leave at 4800 before and now will leave at 5800 on two step. Will be interesting how much change we get in 60'. 60' have been 1.20 to 1.24. Hoping to get in the 1.08 to 1.10 range without doing wheel stands. Its never fast enough is the problem. Would like to see the fed in the 7.60 range soon. What do you all think?

My Flexplate (if you can call it that) weighs in at 12# and I use the inerciha to get things moving


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