Technical > Roo Man's Room

Set-up for better 60' ?

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Find a set of Goodyear 2585s. Lightweight grow tire. 12 x 31 x 15. It is much lighter than any other tire in this size. The majority of class legal JR Fuel cars run them.

Pipe Dreams:
Thanks for all the ideas guys, good things to think about and try when I get the car running.

On our funnycar I had clutch set so it would haze  (just short of smoke) the tires at the hit,If it did not it might make it half way thru first before the drivers brian bounced off track from the shake. A FEDE is a lot like funnycar in how it acts due to driver position,except we have more weight on rear which adds to problem.Especailly us older fat guys.

  Problem is if your trying to bracket race a car its hard to get consistent spin amount so that car can print numbers. A loose converter helps a lot from what I have been told.

My 165" Woody Gilmore with the 408 injected on alcohol, engine so far back I tickled the bell housing with my feet, loved to launch up on the pipe, 5500 - 6200.  Wheel speed is the key, found the 10.5 slicks work really good on FED's.  If you're wadding the slicks, up the air pressure til you get just 4 wrinkles, and they need to be in front of the axle centerline.  It takes a spotter or a video camera to catch the launch to see what's happening.

 If you're wadding the slicks, up the air pressure til you get just 4 wrinkles, and they need to be in front of the axle centerline.  It takes a spotter or a video camera to catch the launch to see what's happening.

That right there is one xxxx of an analytical statement, food for thought. Fits right in with lately trend for folks to film everything they do, even taking a dump. And I do not mean that sarcastically, I've fabricated a few mounts for cameras on my car to record what happens.


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