Author Topic: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried  (Read 39841 times)

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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2014, 09:30:37 AM »
all of you have hit it on the head.   The first time I ever saw or heard of a front engine dragster was while I was at the local barber.  Hotrod guy, went to Carlisle and bought a ratty 6cyl fed and from that point I was hooked.  at 42 I bought a set of front spindles and went from there.  I made my first passes last year and WOW.  I have been racing my 66 Chevelle and running a UMP Modified for years but this is a different level of cool.  And the bang for the dollar is awesome, I have less then 10k into my new chassis and everything to make is turn key.  The best was after making my second half track test run (330ft) my brother-in-law that I have been racing against in everything, came over and asked how it was and I told him it went well.  "1/2 throttle to 330 and 10deg total timing (small used injected chevy) and it went 4.0sec and coasted through at 7.48".  The look on his face was great as him exclaimed "my full tube corvair doesn't run 7.50 on a full pass!"  That made all the time and effort worth while, among so many other things.

Best thing is to keep the car in context.  Race/build what you are comfortable with.  Someone will always give opinion on what it should be or was in the day and that is great information but may not be right for you.   I like to race, not rebuild the motor every other weekend so I don't push it to the hairy edge, so guys do and that is great for them.

Scared, naw excited.  When I sit in the car I can't stop my right foot from shaking it is crazy.  My Grandfather asked me a longtime ago if I got Buck Fever and I embarrassingly said yes,  his reply is "you better or you may as well stop, because your hunting for the wrong reason otherwise".  I don't see racing any different or life for that matter.
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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2014, 10:27:34 AM »
Hey I'm new here.
Odd how I found the site, I probably Google FED plans once a week just to see if there are any plans out there and I found this page.
Long story short of my interest in FED. My daughter asked me to draw a race car for her so I drew a FED she said "that's not a car" and I said when I was a kid I drew these all the time. That has given me the bug to build one and it has been with me a few years.
I'm 50 years old and want to build one someday but I have to admit they scare me. I plan to speed time at the track this year paying attention to the few FED around (I do a little bracket racing with my 70 skylark)
I have e-mailed and talk to several of the names one this board about FED, this seems like a nice place to learn.
My ignorance will show with each post and thread.

Guys. Reebs here wrote this awhile ago..
Reebs you out there???  Lets get you in a car. Lifes short.
"I am not a number.... I am a free man."

Offline wideopen231

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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2014, 03:16:39 PM »
second and third on Curly1's post look to be very good deals
Relecting obama is like shooting right foot because it did not hurt enough when you shot left foot

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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2014, 04:47:14 PM »
My first ride in a drag car,doing my Lic. Runs, in a hard tail 505 BB Altered. My third run 8.52 and completely blew my mind. After the run I thought holy cow that was insane and I loved it.I have a Vega door car now ,but looking to get a FED, just love the wind in my face. Do not be scared,be excited.
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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2014, 07:12:21 AM »
I'm on my third front end car, first two were rollers which I rebuilt in an off season.  the third is our car from scratch, and we're three years in....but we did have our children over this period but I beleive even working on it flat out, we could have only done it in two years. 

Best advice I can give is to assess what you are good at and what you enjoy.  If you can fab and weld and will get a kick out the build, then build but have a plan and stick to it.   If you just want to race, theres no doubt buying a turnkey ride or roller is the way to go.   

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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2014, 06:05:33 AM »
Once you do it you will never regret it!!!!! I ran a 9.90 door car for years and took the plundge 2 years ago. Built mine from a kit with the help of a few good people who ran the FED's  back in the day. What a differance it was!!!!  I have always wanted a front engine dragster since I was a little kid building the models of them. I was Scared at first but after a couple of passes .... it's a blast!!!!!!! So good luck and follow your dreams!!!!

Offline Oldschool

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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2014, 05:42:44 PM »
Nice car
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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2015, 08:51:46 AM »
I say go for it , turned 60 jan. 2014,,,,bought 60's FED on e-bay,,,totaly useless,,,ordered new chassis tached together, picked up in late april,,,car stickered and track passed tech, first 6 passes done by late september 2014.   it doesnt have to take years and a pile of money when you have talented and loyal FRIENDS,,,just sayin
its all smoke and mirrors

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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2015, 09:24:12 PM »
 I'm another 50 year old that just got my first FED a little over a year ago. It's absolutely the most fun ride I've ever been on. My best advice is start with a good solid roller and start low on the horsepower until you get comfortable in the car then add more power as you go. I was a little scared of mine for the first few passes but after your first 4 or 5 passes it gets easier.

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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2015, 01:00:45 PM »
Built mine from scratch--2 1/2 years until it looked like a dragster and whew!! Learned more than I ever imagined--If I was doing over again I would find a roller that has big enough cockpit--and go from there. I have six passes on my car and would do lots of things different next time so the roller first is great advice! Trouble with used older cars is narrow cockpit--pass on any that do not feel comfortable and remember when you try one on to wear a  jacket or light coat ( like a suit will be)
Any cheap engine will take your breath away first pass--leave great engine for later--
I have to say that this is one heck of a group and the first pass you make in a FED will be one of the best days of your entire life--we ALL feel that way after!!!!!!
It is about 300% better than you can imagine
The first burnout is so much fun you want to back up and do it again!
DO IT!! Find a car and start learning---I drag raced for over 25 years in a door car but feel like I wasted a lot of time NOT being in a real drag car--These cars are life changing--just crazy fun.
The one thing I just did not understand and see was this--you just can't run one by yourself--you will need some help--if only one--you need some crew help--work on that as you build the car--get folks interested so they want to go and help--Free beer helps :)
Good Luck!!!  Have someone that Knows look at any car BEFORE you pay $$$--it may save you tons of regret
I have always had a fascination with fast cars at the expense of more normal character development

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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2015, 02:17:06 PM »
Built mine from scratch--2 1/2 years until it looked like a dragster and whew!! Learned more than I ever imagined--If I was doing over again I would find a roller that has big enough cockpit--and go from there. I have six passes on my car and would do lots of things different next time so the roller first is great advice! Trouble with used older cars is narrow cockpit--pass on any that do not feel comfortable and remember when you try one on to wear a  jacket or light coat ( like a suit will be)
Any cheap engine will take your breath away first pass--leave great engine for later--
I have to say that this is one heck of a group and the first pass you make in a FED will be one of the best days of your entire life--we ALL feel that way after!!!!!!
It is about 300% better than you can imagine
The first burnout is so much fun you want to back up and do it again!
DO IT!! Find a car and start learning---I drag raced for over 25 years in a door car but feel like I wasted a lot of time NOT being in a real drag car--These cars are life changing--just crazy fun.
The one thing I just did not understand and see was this--you just can't run one by yourself--you will need some help--if only one--you need some crew help--work on that as you build the car--get folks interested so they want to go and help--Free beer helps :)
Good Luck!!!  Have someone that Knows look at any car BEFORE you pay $$$--it may save you tons of regret

I agree you need help, if only to belt you in, but retrieving the FED from the top end if the strip is a real help also.

My wife and I make a good team.

Who ever helps needs to be the same person over and over.
Glenn R. Lever
Rochester, New York 14617-2012
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Offline Mark Midler

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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2015, 05:53:40 PM »
I agree with most of the others about time. If you could draw them you can make them. Get a set of NHRA rules to keep in the safe part of design and build and start collecting parts. I'm 67 I stared working on mine in 2009 and I finished my car in 2011 and it certified. Between then and now It's been changing and tuning and getting used to the sensory overload one experiences when driving a fed. Consider a few things: safety, what you want it to look like, how long, wide enough for comfort, how much room do you have for it, do you want to have fun or run so fast you scare your insurance agent. Right now is when you can decide on a lot of these questions and save yourself some grief later on. Mark Midler

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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2015, 02:35:31 PM »
the sooner you go make a pass in your new fed the sooner the bugs and worries go away and you find out how much fun they really are.My two cents would be to make sure you are running the same air pressure in your slicks cause if one is higher then the other on a hard launch you may find you drift hard the opposite way..not a big thing but if you aren't ready for it then it might be alittle unsettleing..once you have a good pass you will be hooked...yesterdays are gone so enjoy today and hope for tomorrow but don't wait to long cause lifes clock is a tickin....enjoy the ride!

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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2015, 05:17:11 PM »
Hey I'm Back!!!
I started this thread a few years ago.
I got the bug again. I'm going to start looking for a roller. That makes sense to me. Thanks for the advice.

Offline wideopen231

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Re: New Guy love FED but clueless and scaried
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2015, 01:56:59 PM »
Yea, we know the deal.Wife told you no! You got scared of her and backed off.

If not so prove me wrong and let us see the pics of car you buy soon! LOL
Relecting obama is like shooting right foot because it did not hurt enough when you shot left foot