Technical > Roo Man's Room
Chassis fitting Questions
After 40 years of dreaming, and over 10 years of collecting parts, I am ready to start welding.
I want something that looks mid 60's, but also something I can fit in. I am basing the chassis on Ricemans drawing of a Woody Gilmore chassis. With a bit of influence from Pete Ogdens work on Condor's roll cage.
My problem is that my son and I will be sharing driving duties, and we are both big Vikings. (6'2" to 6'3", and 280 to 300 lbs).
I bought the Shoulder hoop from Neil & Parks because I like the full round shape. But putting it around my shoulders is a tight fit in a tee shirt. I probably should buy the correct fire suit now, but I can see buying it, then not getting the car finished until the suit is out of date.
My first question is, is there a good way to estimate the bulk of a /20 suit? A sweatshirt? a ski jacket?
Second, I have read thru the SFI 2.6a Specs, and it looks like it would be legal to split the shoulder hoop in the back, and widen it a couple inches. Does anyone see anything wrong with doing that?
If you can split the top bar and it is legal, put a sleeve inside the split and rosette weld it in place before final welding.
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