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A/fuel funny car


A/fuel funny cars coming to NHRA race near you. So other than butt load of gripping and whinning come just like TA/D. What your toughts on new rules allowing A/fuel funny car in Top Alcohol  Funny Car class?

personally, I think it will much needed boost for class. Class has had short field for most race for past cpl years. The complaining will come as soon as one two get handle on hooking cars up and down track under power.the same way it was when IHRA allowed this and Scott Wiess switched. Everything fine till he wnet .2 quicler than second qualifier.

I agree. I think it's great for the class. But blown guys will complain as soon as a fuel guys go faster.

Imo if the a fuel combo is faster maybe they'll make em run the nostalgia body to even it up and provide a more interesting look to the class. Just my 2 pennies

Only reral way to control te power difference is nitro percebtage and/or pump size. Adding weight is a joke regulating fuel temp has little effect since fual in 70 to 80* on return road even when being 30* at the before  the  line in staging  that you do not cross if below 50* now was 40* lAst year, 
 In all honesty it is unfair advantage power wise , but swings back consistency wise for the tune. A/fuel is finicky sob at times.

Idk if the weight of the nostalgia bodies is any different than the Camaro bodies. But judging from Will Hannas rant they say the Camaro body had a pretty large et advantage over the nostalgia cars.

But who knows. I'm sure percentage and pump will be the main targets for evening up though.

Hey nostalgia would be great for fan draw. Competitors wouldn't like aero dynamic difference at all.  I think a old school comp eliminator style class with nostalgia cars would be cool as xxxx. fed running funny cars they would eat it up.


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