Technical > Roo Man's Room

I have a few safety questions

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Larry Gocha:
ricci32 Hey next time your at Brians Darcys tell him Larry Gocha said hi he might not remember me we raced him at Indy Goodguys a long time ago.

Did you race J/F at Goodguys Indy in 1995??

Larry Gocha:
Yes we did we ran from 94 thru 99 if I remember right we runner upper twice once to Mike Brown and once to the Clark family.


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--- Quote from: Larry Gocha on April 30, 2013, 11:42:30 AM ---Yes we did we ran from 94 thru 99 if I remember right we runner upper twice once to Mike Brown and once to the Clark family.

--- End quote ---

I thought I recognized your name...I'm Mike and I am glad to see that you are still racing too.
You had a blue car at the time, I think. Gettin' on towards 20 years ago. Maybe we will see you
at Bowling Green this summer.

Larry Gocha:
Mike I'm not driving the car anymore it belonged to Fred Green and I built the engines and trans and drove. Fred don't run the car anymore I'm thinking about building a new chassis of my own still have injectors and front wire wheels even bought a 25 foot 5" I beam to build it on. There are three cars that I know of just sitting here in Michigan not for sale. 


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