Drag Racing Discussions > Altereds

Do I need a wing?

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You do not need a wing. This, from a prominent A/Altered Comp Eliminator racer who tested one and said below 200 MPH a wing on a '23 T is unnecessary.

Play with the 4-bar. Try a shorter, higher instant center. But don't go any farther than necessary to keep it glued down or you may start to pull the tires out of the beams.

If there is dew on the track you should not be racing !

I'd say a wing starts working at around 175 mph, but less than that, it's just a billboard.

 I think what I ended up with would be called a spoiler. I followed the top of the body back about 18"s over the rear deck. I only got to run it a few runs but I think it did what I needed. It was late in the season on an overcast day. Something that was a problem before. And I could make a full pull.
 Now I need to put the 4 link back to where it works at the first part of the track.
 For those thinking it was Dew on the track it wasn't, all it had to be was the sun getting at a lower angle and the track cooling off. I'm thinking the glue shortage had an affect on it also, as it was worse this year than previous years.

From my experience when I started running faster than 5.25 in the 1/8 mile the wing helped. In the 1/4 mile you could feel it get up on the tire and felt loose. Never did anything stupid but you could feel it. When I put the wing on it the faster you go the smoother it got. Also helped in the 1/8 mile when air was really good and track temps were cooler or marginal tracks. On a National event prepped track you may not ever need it but for me it was a big help.


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