Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Thoughts on dynoing engine

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My blown alcohol sbc is almost complete what are you guys thought on dynoing?

We dyno about 1/3 of the motors to try different things oil, headers, carbs spacers, fuel, etc to run out frt and stay there,we also dynoed motors bought from different engine builders to compare with ours because we didn't use the same components.and to make sure things worked even had a high end blower sieze on the dyno. it's all just a reference because different operater, dyno will give different results
it gives you a base line about timing, fuel curve

Will keep you out of the woods and start you off with a safe solid base tune
It is best thing you can do--power level is the least worry
Make sure dyno place understands and has experience with blown applications--makes all the diff

Nothing like leaning on an engine to find where it's going to leak.

My opiinion on dyno mixed. I see it can be cheaper than runs at track and give a great baseline to tune motrs from at track.Same time I have seen were dyno tune was nowhere near the best on track and et slip is proof there.

   I had a buddy about 40 miles that had an engine dyno and I got almost free time on it with injected stuff. Did help fuel curve tuning and then change at track off that. For some reason he never let me run my Top Alcohol stuff on it.LOL He mostly did dirt track stuff and other roundy rounders. Some drag car engines I am sure.

Guess buying parts or paying for dyno time works out about the same.At least on dyno other don't see you with screwed up tune.LOL



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