Drag Racing Discussions > Altereds

Hand Brake?

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I currently run a foot actuated brake (brakes on rear only) on my altered.. been considering putting in a hand actuated brake handle to help with a bit more leverage on the brake. My question is push or pull to activate the brakes? My brain says PULL  to activate.. seems to be more natural to just open my  grip to release brake when staging.. I have no experience with hand brakes so looking for some input! Thanks!! -Tom

do what's natural pull. In one race  my throttle cable broke a yellow came out i got a pair of vise grips so I pull on the gas  when the race resumed I started last and was passing cars when the red came out i pulled on the plier instead of releaseing  almost ran over the car in front of me.

If you're OK the pedal, you might be able to go to a smaller bore master cylinder.
It will give more pressure but add some travel.

BK is right smaller bore = more pressure same as increasing pedal ratio you have to go with what works for you Altered's have limited foot space. I have a line-loc  so after braking when stageing I apply the line-loc and put my foot on a rest.

I have an altered with a hand brake.
I also have another altered with a foot brake.
I prefer the hand brake. It is easier to stage the car precisely. Mine is Pull to brake.


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