Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
bracket racing a FED
--- Quote from: lake_harley on February 12, 2022, 06:34:16 AM ---Once again I'm trying to think ahead on my FED build that will be for bracket racing. Engine will likely be a mild carbureted 305 Chevy on gas and I'd like to make it user friendly so want to run some sort of small radiator (mounted flat), electric water pump and switched, electric cooling fan on the radiator. Thought is to only switch on the fan when needed, maybe return after a run, and also use it and the electric water pump to cool the engine between runs.
I'm a self-admitted tight-wad and wondered about the possibly using a Ebay-sourced (read that as "cheap") Honda Goldwing radiator from either a GL1100 or GL1200? I'm aware of the "Scirocco" drag race radiators but hope to find something that would work that's a bit smaller. Anyone have any experience with a Goldwing radiator?
I know a guy who used a small transmission cooler. But he ran alky
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look on ebay for a honda civic aluminum radiator, you can get them for under 100.00 with fan, new.... they are small enough to fit between the rails but not to small. i have no experience in actual use, but its what i have for my dragster project.
Thanks for the replies.
225DIGGER....do you happen to know the dimensions of the Civic radiators? More often than not, parts on Ebay don't have a great deal of info like dimensions, and I can understand that wouldn't be important if I were looking for a radiator for a Civic. $100 with a fan would be sweet!
So how many of you who bracket race think you get underestimated or should I say car does? I have had few tell me there will be fist fights with those wanting easy first round win. Figurative speaking of coarse
I don't normally drive a FED but some guys think that running against my six cylinder altered would be an easy time. So there is that similarity.
Let 'em.
I don't care who I race - anybody can beat anybody. Hero-to-Zero in nuttin' flat.
Just get your car consistent if you want to bracket race. Even if you have to sacrifice some e.t. to do it. If you want to set a personal best e.t. every time you suit up don't expect to excel at bracket racing. Consistency wins. I want to race a competitor who would refuse to lift because he might be on a personal best [breakout?] pass.
Having said that, there ARE certain types of cars I WANT to race. For example, on a hot sunny day give me the guy in a black driving suit with a flat black helmet driving a doorslammer painted black. Hopefully he's strapped in there with a crew member opening and closing the door like a Geisha Girl waving a fan in an effort to keep air circulated to keep him from baking. And if he's a really fast car even the better. I feel that guy sub-consciously can't wait to get out of that car and I will be happy to oblige him. There are other examples too.
Win or lose be cordial to everybody. I try to. But on the starting line if I'm lined up next to my Mother I want to trounce her!
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