Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop
Clearancing connecting rod for camshaft clearance - Procedure?
You stick the copper wire between the rod and camshaft to make sure there is enough clearance
Oooh gotcha. Makes perfect sense.
How do you guys go about cutting the rods?
I like lead solder for checking some clearances
Thanks sincerely all for the help.
I used a rotary file and a belt sander to cut the rods down on 1-2-5-6.
They now all clear the cam.
I still have to go back and check clearance and grind a bit more to achieve the tolerance. But the rods are in and motor just about rotates.
I still have 4-8 hitting the block but I'm way less nervous cutting the block than the rods.
Thanks again.
Curious tho. Should I cut all the rods like this for balancing purposes?
I would not---the amount of weight on aluminum would be next to nothing Run it
Next cam get a ,900 base circle it will clear better on most combos, that is why they were invented
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