Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop
Clearancing connecting rod for camshaft clearance - Procedure?
I have got all the pieces to this little puzzle, but I am concerned... how do you guys go about clearancing the rods so they do not hit the camshaft.
SBC standard cam height Little M Dart Block
3.75 Stroke Howards Billet Crankshaft
6'' Lightening Aluminum rods
Crower Small Base Circle Camshaft
I have put the crank and the cam in, timing chain and Rods 1, 2.
Rod 1 hits the block a little in the pan rail area. No Big deal, a grinder will take care of that no problem.
But Rod 1 and Rod 2 Both hit the cam lobes. (just for fun, I retarded and advanced the cam and it makes contact in any position)
My thinking is to coat the cam lobes with grease.
Rotate until contact, roll the crank back off the cam and mark rod with sharpie. then go to the belt sander and take some off. Re-assemble and check for clearance. If not enough, repeat until 0.60 clearance is obtained.
Any better ideas? Advice? etc?
Yes, 0.060 - 0.080 clearance would be good. Do you have a 6 inch steel I-beam rod you could try versus the 6 inch aluminum. If the steel I-beam clears the cam, then stack both rods together and do comparison and measurement in the specific conflict area to provide a "visual idea" of how much material you have to remove before you start. On this type project, it could be helpful to know if you are removing 0.060 or 0.160. Alan
,900 base circle is smaller than Small Base circle and cleared on mine degreeing cam does matter at that point measure with a copper wire of know diameter is how we do it in my shop
Thanks for the answers. I'll say this, as I have not actually degreed the cam I have tried 3 positions on the timing chain set crank gear. In all positions the lobe makes contact.
I like the idea about comparing rods. I ordered a few 6" rods last night to try that.
I'm also not sure if it's a 900 base circle. Cam card only says small base circle.
Cam card also says 4 degrees had been ground into the cam if using lobe center to degree use a 110lsa
Duster Dave. What are you measuring with the copper wire?
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