Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

Rod piston issue SBC

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Finnish Fireball:
That's good idea but I dont see Howards offering that option, 3.75 stroke w. BBC snout. Check out 


Finnish Fireball:
There it is, that should do the job.

Before you get to ordering parts you might want to see if an alluminum rod will swing with that big stroke ! Another thing to check is cam to rod clearance ! On my motor with a 3.625 stroke and a large base circle cam I had to cam clearance the rods and that is with a 2.0 rod journal ! It might be a good idea to talk to an engine builder that puts these combo's together before you spend a lot of money on parts ! Are you going to run a blower ? 

Your right. I'm going to have a talk with a few guys before I order the crank.
I have a small base circle cam and rod manufacturer says they can cam clearance the rods. Just need to talk to some folks who've built this exact combination.


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