Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
Front Tires Popping out of the Beams.
Wonder why this is only thread that does not allow me to scan down and read reply's?
Paul New:
Yes this one is odd I found the only way to read is to hit reply and read what is in that section
I click on last post showns member who posted and go to there posts and find what they said.Just like I did before this reply
--- Quote from: Curly1 on June 19, 2021, 05:23:37 PM ---Okay so for the report on how it worked.
I Won!
Reaction times came back and it worked quite well. Won a few rounds on the tree. Even handled better on top end. Before it just did not want to steer on the top end, I would be cranking wheel over and it kept going where it wanted to. Never had to abort a run but I was having to work it. Now it works better. I believe what was happening was the front end was so light under full power the front tires were scrubbing and not working good.
--- End quote ---
Maybe you can replace some of the front end weight with a front canard wing that will keep the front glued down and reduce weight also.
I cannot read replies either.
Well my motor is set back pretty far so it needs some weight on the front. It works good now and has Won a lot of races. Thing is on these when you change one thing it may mess up something else........ Sometimes feel like a dog chasing his tail. Part of the challenge is making them work.
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