Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Front Tires Popping out of the Beams.

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So my Front Engine Dragster had problems with wheel hop. I made a bunch of chassis changes, went through 5 different tire combinations and added more bars in the chassis an finally the got that issue resolved. But.... Now it pops the front tires out of the beams.

So I have moved the battery from the middle and put it up in the nose. I had some weight on the nose and moving the battery up there will have a net increase of about 15 Lbs on the nose and hope it helps. May have to add another weight plate up there. One other thing that is related is this dragster does not seem to steer good at the finish line under full power. I think front end is simply too light. Do not like adding weight but need to do something.

Anything else I can do to help keep it from popping out of the Beams?

I am going to lower the Two Step a few hundred and see if that helps. My car is now hooking up pretty good but I need to stop the popping out of beams.

Additional weight in the front is not a bad thing...
In the picture below (our car) I have 60lbs of lead, 2 fire bottles, fuel tank. Just behind the fuel tank is the XSpower battery.  We now have a nice balance on the run.
We are moving the rearward fire bottle forward and putting the battery in front of the new larger fuel tank
Our new engine is 3X"s the power of the current setup.  We also have an additional 40 lbs of lead plates if needed for the front.

Curly, Maybe a smaller slick would help? What size slick are you running? Do you have on-board data acquisition? A bit of tire slip may be needed at the hit?
I battled similar issues with my altered. Every so often I'd go red big time (-.030 - .050 on a full tree top bulb) and I knew it wasn't from rolling in too deep or anticipating the light. Smaller tire seemed to have stopped it.

I think the only way to solve it is to add some weight to the front end ! I use my wheelie bar but I run a soft side wall slick and have my bar hit when the tire squats ! If you mess around with your rpm at the hit it's going to mess with your reaction times !

Thank you for the replies. Putting my wheelie bar back on did seem to help but did not resolve the issue. I have already moved the battery and will add a plate to mount more weights up front. The battery nets about 15 Lbs more than the weights I had up front but still think I need more.  I do have data logger.


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