Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

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Alex welcome to the page.  I have a new, never completed CenPen (the name of Chassis Farm dragsters under prior owner) 180” rolling chassis with chute packer body that I am contemplating selling.  If you are interested let me know. Mike

Alex go look at that deal--I had a Cenpen and it did great--some minor drawbacks but no more than any other and sonce some of us have built one from scratch we can help on a Cenpen a Lot--Mine was a 200 in--would have got a 180 but bought what I got a deal on--My pal has a 180  between us we can help you a lot--a 180 is perfect for hauling, in the shop, and plenty long enough to drive good--with a simple 350 sbc alky injected mid 5's easy as pie, with good heads converter and 20% nitro they will run 4.90 1/8ths easy--Do not underestimate running an FED--You NEED at least one dedicated crew member--that is not the wife--one that can push etc They are almost impossible to run without help--good help that learns with you as you both get the hang of it--

Go look at that car --get it home and we can help you every step of the way

JrFuel Hayden:
a couple of things [1] a freind of mine bought a used Parks FED JR 225" put a LS motor on race gas, single card, hyd lifters and won 3 Heritage NE-1 [ 760 bracket] Championships . At least one time that I know of he raced with out his Dad crew member, because his Dad was off helping his other son rac a Honda powered altered in Comp at Sonoma . so Dustin just drove his dragster to the staging lanes after driving the rail out of his trailer , raced then drove to the ET booth to get his ET slip , drove back to his pit, drove it back into the trailer all by himself AND won the event . All with a flywheel started and on board batt. Again winning with no crew member.
[2] we have had a Heritage JrFuel racer run with a John Worm , CenPen 180" chassis and a all iron SBC injected alky running in JF "C" [ 7.14[ handi-cap] but his engine sit low in the chassis [ stock SBC oil pan] so he runs 18" front wheels and 33" tall slicks to get more ground clearance.  Another NE-2 racer that raced with a CenPen car , but he had John Worm angle the rear-end so the engine was higher.
Jon, Hayden Wheels 800-624-3803

Jon, does that car have a cooling system?

I drive mine at the track. After the run I quick pack the chute into the seat hop back in on tip of the chute hit the starter and go get my slip and drive back to my pit.
Low 7  192mph injected alcohol, iron 462 FED.
I like the self reliance as generally it is just my wife and I and sometimes just me.
I have transported many Cen-Pen dragster kits for John.  We even had one (180") for a while. We sold it as we had to many projects at that time.
Good luck with your search


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