Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

World fire up day.


Maybe everyone that had planned to go racing but are locked away by this Virus can join me by pushing your car out into your driveway and fire 'em up this Saturday!

Dunc the Funk:
I'd love to do that, sadly bearings & rings only just arrived so it's going to be a few weeks yet.
But I have lovely neighbours & don't want to annoy them so maybe not.
I might fire up the Cleveland in the Mach1 though. The neighbours are ok with that & I have to move it away from the garage door to work on the altered anyway.
Talking of neighbours, we all went outside our houses at 8pm last night & clapped for 2 minutes in appreciation of the brave nurses & doctors of our NHS.
We did this last Thursday too across Britain. Some people let off fireworks at the same time last night.

I would but have pulled intake to make some modifications. Hey if car is not on track I will be pulling something off to work on it.Heck if not for working on it I would have no need for the car.
 Great  Idea!


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