Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Finally taking the digger out on Sunday

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I wonder if that is the reason the newer nostalgia FEDs have the driver in an upright position on top of the pig instead of behind it? That may be especially important when running index racing and the finish line stripe is even more critical.

I must say even though vision is limited with the dragster, it is much better than the funny car were

Right on!

Went to funny car chaos and ran the Fed again. Definitely getting more comfortable and car ran a 4.91 1/8 at 13. Next outing I'll get more aggressive and speed her up hopefully

JrFuel Hayden:
You just need more seat time you'll get use to it. In my dual engine Top Gas dragster my eye line was in the middle of the blowers, a 6 foot tall guy could stand at my front axle and I could not see any part of him. Just drove in perspective so much on each side
Our driver complained at first trying to look around the offset 20 amp MSD in our Heritage JrFuel, but as he had more time driving he just is  getting use to it.
i don't like bar stool drivers , don't look right. 


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