Drag Racing Discussions > Drag Racing

Engine oil

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Valvoline VR1 tolerates alcohol better than Mobil 1 synthetic i think.

i used the synthetic in my bracket motors.  I'd set them up tighter on the bearings, and run a 5w20 oil.  changed it every winter.

My blown alcohol motor it way looser on the bearings.  I run 50w, and i change it once a year.

My preference  on oil on blown Alc tends toward  PENN GRADE - formerly - Brad Penn - formerly - Kendal (old green formula) @ 50# change after 4 events just because

Thanks guys.

All about how they do with alky
The Brad Penn does great with alky
Some oils hate it

I run Bradd Penn and Valvoline VR1 both with alcohol.


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