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fresh engine test

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Put together sbc with new solid lifter cam.Would it be safe to test run for a short time without water? How long would be safe? Have VR-1 race oil.

I've done that. I only run it for a minute usually. But bear in mind some drag cars run with NO  water - only oil cooling from crankcase splash. so I suspect you could run it for longer especially since it will not be under load and flowing any significant amount of fuel through it.

If you have a vacuum pump I think I would disconnect that to keep the max amount of oil splashing and spewing out the bearings.

If it is a flat tappet solid the answer is No
Initial start up and cam/lifter break in is Critical on any build
You will just increase the chances of grinding a lobe off
You need instant start up, full water flow, timing set instantly ( well advanced never ever too low--makes giant heat if too low) and let it run at about 2000-2300 RPM until it comes up to temp-let it cool--repeat about half dozen times to give the cam and lifters every chance possible--you should do all this with inner springs out to reduce pressure
If you do this and all of your lifter bores were perfect ( hopefully sized with a ball broach) your cam has a fighting chance
Good luck--do it right
I would break it in on test stand--

dusterdave173 is right and don't let the motor idle down keep on a fast idle

We started using the lifter bore broach from Goodson machine supply--it is wonderful--most engine getthe lifer bores hurt on tear down--naturally the old lifter is mushroomed a small amount from wear--most folks yank them out the top--Pro builders always remove cam then push lifter out the bottom that way you don't scratch the lifter bore up
The ball broach is hammered through and then slide hammered back out this straightens the lifter bore and smooths it up
This process is a must when block has been shot blasted too ( always use WD40 or some similar on each bore as you do this)
Cheap tool that works miracles and as a bonus helps you find if a lifter bore is worn too much ( big trouble too )
We all know about oil with correct additives, spring pressures being right etc but many still ignore the lifter bores and then wind up blaming cam and lifters for failure
This process helped my shop avoid cam / lifter issues and cut failures to almost zero
The balls are available for all popular lifter diameters but also come as a kit with popular chevy ford and mopar
They are hard as Supermans knee cap and should last forever


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