Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Potential FED Build

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I remember that some dragster builders preferred drum brakes because they could be set to have zero drag, as opposed to some drag from disc pads at the hit. The reasoning was that they were good for one high speed stop before they faded - and one stop was all they needed.

Frenchtown Flyer.....One good stop before brake fade logic makes sense to me.

Don.....If you have suggestions regarding brakes, or anything else for that matter, please post them!


Don Munyon:
I don't remember having a problem with brake fade but I do use the chute most of the time. What I do remember was the first time at the track with this car. I couldn't stage or hold it in staging lights without it creeping which really got the starter POed at me. Anyhow (here is the tip) I changed the master cylinder to a smaller bore 3/4 or 7/8, put larger wheel cylinders from the front of a AMC and got rid of the metalic linings. After that no problems, I only changed to disc a few years ago to get rid of all that weight of the drums backing plates etc.

Thanks, Don, for the reminder on using a smaller MC to increase pressure to the brakes. Would about a 6:1 or 7:1 brake lever or pedal ratio be about right? I've used that pedal ratio on hot rods in the past.

Also, any particular model AMC and/or range of years that will fit the 8 3/4 rearend 10" drum backing plates without a lot of changes?


Zero drag with the drumbrakes vs disc drag??? bunch of "Hooey" Disc brakes are lighter and lower reciprocal weight than heavy drums that take time and HP to get going. Call it like it is "Some people are not smart-just cheap"


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