New to the page, and saying hello. Glad to be here. I was born and raised in Alaska. I guess it all started once I figured out what my dads tools were for, being around him and his buddies B/Gas Anglia. After that nothing was safe or sacred. I’m a “Stock Sucks” kind of guy and Been modifying and rebuilding everything with a motor ever since. I guess the hot rods and growing up as a kid in a heavy equipment repair shop, over the years I’ve collected up a small scale engine machine shop that I consider my retirement plan. I guess I have built too many cars to list here and my current project list is longer than my 9 acres of yard can hold. Lol. So ill keep it quick.
My current car is my first “skinny car” after 25+ years racing door slammers I got back probs and wanted a soft-tail front engine car with no fenders!! So I picked up a 125” 32 Bantam 4-link 9” rear end - built by Peytons in TX, had been a world champ car in Rockingham about 2006. Right now it’s set up with a Rodeck 434 on Alcohol and a Stock parts 1.76 Glide w/Brake and Chance 9” converter. I have made a handful of shakedown passes and still getting things sorted out. There’s my oldest Boy on the left and his wife, myself and my youngest boy on the right. Missing is my middle son, who’s currently serving the country in Okinawa. 🇺🇸

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