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March Meet 2020
Famoso is changing how we park for the March Meet. This is from their page.
PIT PARKING – NEW PARKING POLICY FOR 2020! Pit parking for the 2020 Good Vibrations Motorsports March Meet will be first come first serve for pit spots. If you wish to park with your group please arrive with your group. For example: if you purchase 4 pit spots, all 4 competition vehicles must be present to receive the 4 spots. It is no longer required to purchase race entries at the same time, however it is required that you arrive as a group to park as a group. The earlier you arrive the better parking spot or spots you will receive. REMINDER parking begins Tuesday March 3rd, 2020 at 12 Noon!
I've only been to that race one time - as a spectator - but I'm wondering how you keep a group of race cars together going into the gate? You will almost have to have a nearby pre-determined meeting point to stage up your team(s)?
Sounds like it's gonna be a challenge to get pitted.
So if a C/GAS gets there early enough he can park with the fuelers?
--- Quote from: gregm784 on October 01, 2019, 09:28:57 AM ---Sounds like it's gonna be a challenge to get pitted.
--- End quote ---
its gonna be a challenge for the guy in the golf kart calling up the class for their runs
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