Technical > Roo Man's Room

short or full body

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--- Quote from: janjon on May 08, 2013, 07:58:19 PM ---I like the look of short bodies, a digger should not be ashamed of its frontal skeleton or the support elements there mounted...

--- End quote ---

Well said.
 Ours doesn't have the body pieces under the motor. Figure if its extra weight and possible drag, why have it. Just a big ol diaper hangin out there. I think it looks cool and its a lot easier for inspection and diaper removal

Always been a fan of 1/2 body cars.  mine ends under the motor, more room for sponsor stickers. :)  nothing forward of the motor, unless i have the front wing on, then i have a couple feet of alum between the front wheels.

 I like the short body on small block cars less weight and less maintenance between rounds.
If your a T/F car from the 60 then I prefer a full body.

is this granddad coker :o if not :P  tell him i said hi thanks steve m. 8)

Yup Steve its Granddad hello to you too my friend.


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