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Mr Froggy:
wideopen231, you have a good point about Terrible Ted.   I've never had the pleasure of seeing "The Nuge" but have seen Lonesome George 5 times and he always comes outa the gate at 100 MPH with a no frills band and never lets up.

But the loin clothe defininitly takes it to the next level.  I guess you could say, Ted takes an injected Hemi and bolts on a blower!

Yeah, well George's prominent dialogue was how much of a badass he was as an infant, and he progressed to drinking alone, all by himself. The later song was the better one. When I raced dirt karts, KT-100 class, and they ran the "Outlaw Sprint" karts, with 250-500 cc motorcycle engines, and wings, the track used to play that B B B Bad to the Bone song any time they were on the track, or about to be on the track, or during cautions, and after the finish, for AWHILE. Irritated the SH*& out of me to hear it. Still does.


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