Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
Fed build design ?
Really not to caught up on it, figuring any way I go as long as it’s blown I should be happy with it. Anything low 8s to low 7s but needs to be reliable and good for bracket racing
Paul New:
A low 7 second 145-155” WB FED would be a wild little car! I know nothing about what it would take to make a short FED but if I did I would use a wide front axle and a torsion bar just for the fact it would look cool! You could build a 350” blown SBC with a 6-71 bug catcher and a Vertex mag and run however hard you want to run it.
diesel tech:
Have one for sale on the east coast. All the good parts, for 1/3 cost of build. Inj sbc been 7.80. Race next week. 908-406-6601 Please lv message. thanks.
car can be longer than garage just go corner to corner.How do I know this?225" car in 20' garage. add in extra for 30 over nose and the cage out back. Warning it means about 5 million trips stepping over car.LOL As for power plant.Plenty SBC running in 7's with blower.Biggest thing with bracket deal will be questionable track prep and it happens more than not it seems.Keep power where it will go snow covered track and you will e upsetting lts of RED guys.
If I make ramps for the nose raising it up will give a little more space too right? I like the idea of a sbc but still water in block and heads for total control over temp even round robin. Not sure if it’s totally required but would like to drive car up and back . What gear and tire would you guys recommend for blown sbc?
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